Spring Hill Nursery & Gardens would like to give a "Huge Thank You" to our gardeners that opened up their gardens to this wonderful community. ~~Jacquie Parker ~~Lorie & Jack Saunders. ~~Joe Bergman & Tim Knudson (and Doggies). ~~Kris Ellington & Marsha Napier ~~Trudy Rilling-Collins ~And last but not least. ~~John & Sandy Hansen. Your Gardens are Truly an Inspiration to all of us. ~~To our community for always being behind us in whatever our next endeavor is. ~~The staff here, well, because it takes a village. ~~Donna, our wonderful event coordinator. She is always out there checking out gardens, talking to gardeners and then pulling it all together for everyone to enjoy. Lastly but not least...... Tim & Sandi for being there for the community, opening up the nursery for all kinds of special events and always having a smile, a kind word and a helping hand to make things better for our little town.